I’m so glad you’re here.
I’m Aubrey Birch. I’m a trainer, a coach, wife, mom, and friend.
In my life, I have gone from feeling hopeless and depleted to feeling more confident, strong, and excited. Despite experiencing past and present challenges, I feel more at home in my body now, and at home being myself.
I’m passionate about creating connection and circles where women can come together and lift each other up.
Here are a few of my favorite things:
learning, writing, and reading
moving my body at the gym and outside
baking sourdough and chocolate chip cookies
laughing with my babies
and of course, seeing women find their joy and power through taking care of themselves
My Credentials + Education
certified personal trainer
women's fitness specialist
certified women's coaching specialist
group fitness | yoga
I’m a personal trainer, and I’ve spent countless hours studying and learning about women’s bodies, physiology, and how the stages of a woman’s life affect exercise. I’m passionate about changing the culture of exercise to be more about movement that feels good and ADDS to our lives in meaningful ways.
pre + postnatal
CERTIFIED PRE AND POSTNATAL COACH prenatal and postpartum corrective exercise specialist
dona trained birth doula
melissa chappell's advanced birth doula training
Chances are, if you ever have a conversation with me, pregnancy and birth might come up at some point. It interweaves into so many aspects of our lives. I’ve taken many classes and courses about birth, breastfeeding, perinatal mental health, infant sleep, and more.
bs education- sped
certified creation coach
My coaching methodology and training comes from a multifaceted background. I learned so much about individualizing training and education through my undergrad degree. I’ve taken various coaching, mindfulness, and habit trainings over the years and developed simple systems for helping others create in their own chaos too!
“I could write a whole book on how amazing of an experience it was…Aubrey helped me get mentally and physically in a good place to have my next baby..”
About Me
In my early college years my ideas on health and exercise fluctuated as I learned more about myself and my body, and as I participated in running races, learned to lift weights, and dealt with body image issues. Early in my marriage I became a personal trainer and quickly began a transformative time in every area of my life. I’ve currently landed in a place that feels loving, is full of growth and learning, and allows me to enjoy movement as a joyful part of my life. In learning about my body, I’ve changed my philosophies on almost everything, and I help other women feel more love and appreciation for their bodies while also getting stronger and more knowledgeable about how their bodies work.
As I became a mother through two challenging pregnancies and two amazing and challenging birth experiences, I realized how common it is to feel unlike ourselves during transformations and transitions in our lives. I realized that through simple habits, even tiny efforts, I felt more like myself as I connected to my body, nourished it, and learned more. I have loved sharing my passion for helping women feel comfort and confidence in themselves and feeling more at home in their bodies through personal training and coaching, classes, a focus on mental health, and my work supporting women. I love being a mother and wife so much more as I also nurture my self too.
free coaching preview session
Interested in personal training, or health coaching? Schedule a free preview call. Don’t worry; it won’t be just an informational or sales call, you’ll get to leave the call feeling supported and confident in the next step that is right for you—one step closer to feeling at home in your body and more like you again.